1Maternal Depression and Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and Associations with Depressive Symptoms and Suicidality in Adolescent Children2023Download
2Correlation Between Adolescent Mental Health and Sleep Quality: A Study in Indonesian Rural Areas During the COVID-19 Pandemic2023Download
3Teaching About Contraception: Adolescent Attitudes Surrounding Sexual Education2023Download
4Socio-Ecological Analysis of Barriers to Access and Utilization of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Qualitative Systematic Review2023Download
5Health-Related Behaviors and Psychological Status of Adolescent Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: The 2019 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey2023Download
6The Relationship Between Risk Perception, Physical Activity, and Adolescent Mental Health: A Cross-Lagged Analysis2023Download
7Reexploring Problematic Social Media Use and Its Relationship with Adolescent Mental Health. Findings from the “LifeOnSoMe”-Study2023Download
8Reexploring Problematic Social Media Use and Its Relationship with Adolescent Mental Health. Findings from the “LifeOnSoMe”-Study2023Download
9The Association Between Screen Time and Outdoor Time on Adolescent Mental Health and Academic Performance: Evidence from Rural China2023Download
10Overnutrition and Associated Factors Among High School Adolescents in Mid COVID-19 Pandemic in Ethiopia: Neglected Public Health Concern2022Download
11Development and Validation of a Nordic Multimorbidity Index Based on Hospital Diagnoses and Filled Prescriptions2022Download
12Moderate Treadmill Exercise Modulates Gut Microbiota and Improves Intestinal Barrier in High-Fat-Diet-Induced Obese Mice via the AMPK/CDX2 Signaling Pathway2022Download
13Factors Associated with Low Uptake of Medical Male Circumcision Among Adolescent Boys in Tanzania: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Modeling2022Download
14Exploring Unknown Predictors of Maternal Anemia Among Tribal Lactating Mothers, Andhra Pradesh, India: A Prospective Cohort Study2022Download
15Effectiveness and Implementation Outcome Measures of Mental Health Curriculum Intervention Using Social Media to Improve the Mental Health Literacy of Adolescents2022Download
16Treatment Approaches for First Episode and Early-Phase Schizophrenia in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Delphi Consensus Report from Europe2022Download
17Health-Related Quality-of-Life and Associated Factors Among Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study2022Download
18The Relationship Between Parent-Adolescent Communication and Depressive Symptoms: The Roles of School Life Experience, Learning Difficulties and Confidence in the Future2022Download
19High Social Capital is Associated with Decreased Mental Health Problem Among In-School Adolescents in Eastern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study2022Download
20A Comparison of the Process and Content of Sexual Communications Among African American Adolescent Children Living in Parent and Grandparent Headed Families2021Download
21Leptin is Associated with the Tri-Ponderal Mass Index in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study2021Download
22Sexual Assault Profile in Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia2021Download
23In the Name of Prevention: Maternal Perspectives on School-Based HPV Vaccination in Rural Southern Chile2021Download
24Virtual Consultations: Young People and Their Parents’ Experience2021Download
25Adolescent Hepatitis C: Prevalence, Impact, and Management Challenges2021Download
26Natural History and Disease Burden of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 with Plexiform Neurofibromas: A Systematic Literature Review2021Download
27Preliminary Evidence for Anhedonia as a Marker of Sexual Trauma in Female Adolescents2021Download
28Reliability and Validity of Ethiopian Amharic Version of the PedsQLTM 4.0 Generic Core Scales and PedsQLTM 3.0 Diabetes Module2021Download
29Rape Survivors’ Sorrow: Major Depressive Symptoms and Sexually Transmitted Infection Among Adolescent Girls, Southwest Ethiopia2021Download
30Determinants of Overweight Among Primary School Children in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia, 20212021Download
31Cervicogenic Dizziness in an 11-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report2021Download
32Cross-Sectional Analysis of Nutritional Status, Knowledge and Uptake of Nutritional Services Among Adolescent Girls in Western India2021Download
33Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness Practices Among Pregnant Adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand2020Download
34Does the Interplay of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Moral Disengagement Underpin Disruptive Behavior? A Systematic Review2020Download
35A Current Review of the Children and Young People’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP IAPT) Program: Perspectives on Developing an Accessible Workforce2020Download
36Pre-Transition Readiness in Adolescents and Young Adults with Four Chronic Medical Conditions in South East Nigeria – An African Perspective to Adolescent Transition2020Download
37Young People’s Response to Parental Neurological Disorder: A Structured Review2020Download
38Children and Youth Who Use Cannabis for Pain Relief: Benefits, Risks, and Perceptions2020Download
39Protective Effects of Parental Education Against Youth Cigarette Smoking: Diminished Returns of Blacks and Hispanics2020Download
40Association Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Sleep Disturbance in Adolescents2020Download
41Social Phobia and Its Impact on Quality of Life Among Regular Undergraduate Students of Mettu University, Mettu, Ethiopia2020Download
42Gender Dysphoria: A Review Investigating the Relationship Between Genetic Influences and Brain Development2020Download
43Undernutrition Among HIV-Positive Adolescents on Antiretroviral Therapy in Southern Ethiopia2020Download
44Dietary Management for Adolescents with Prader–Willi Syndrome2020Download
45Participatory Video on Menstrual Hygiene: A Skills-Based Health Education Approach for Adolescents in Nepal2020Download
46Development of a Clinical Pathway for the Assessment and Management of Suicidality on a Pediatric Psychiatric Inpatient Unit2020Download
47Perspectives on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Strategies in the United States: Looking Back, Looking Forward2020Download
48Thyme Tea and Primary Dysmenorrhea Among Young Female Students2020Download
49Exploration of Barriers to the Uptake of Nutritional Services Among Adolescent Girls from the Rural Communities of Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study2020Download
50Application of Rasch Analysis for Development and Psychometric Properties of Adolescents’ Quality of Life Instruments: A Systematic Review2020Download
51Use and misuse of cosmetic contact lenses among US adolescents in Southeast Texas2019Download
52Assent and consent in pediatric and adolescent research: school children’s perspectives2019Download
53The creation of a national coalition to target adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a meeting report2019Download
54effect of dance on lower-limb range of motion in young people with cerebral palsy: a blinded randomized controlled clinical trial2019Download
55Mobile phone, social media usage, and perceptions of delivering a social media safer sex intervention for adolescents: results from two countries2019Download
56Attitudes and perceived barriers toward healthy lifestyle behaviors in Jordanian adolescents: a developing country perspective2019Download
57Determinants of adolescents reproductive health service utilization in Ethiopia: a systematic review of quantitative evidence2019Download
58Evaluating the prevalence of diabetes mellitus subtypes in childhood cancer survivors: a systematic review protocol2019Download
59Older siblings' influence on sexual behavior of high school adolescents in Mekelle, northern Ethiopia2019Download
60Social stigma and self-perception in adolescents with tourette syndrome2019Download
61The effect of a community crash reenactment program on teen alcohol awareness and behavior2019Download
62Translating knowledge into action to prevent pediatric and adolescent diabesity: a meeting report2019Download
63Health care professional perceptions of online information and support for young people with cancer in the United Kingdom2019Download
64Poor sleep and adolescent obesity risk: a narrative review of potential mechanisms2019Download
65Positive youth development: current perspectives2019Download
66Poor Sleep And Adolescent Obesity Risk: Respiratory Dysfunction [Letter]2019Download
67To Join Or Not To Join? A Case Of Sickle Cell Clubs, Stigma And Discrimination In Secondary Schools In Butambala District, Uganda2019Download
68Bracing In The Treatment Of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Evidence To Date2019Download
69Effect and features of information technologybased interventions on self-management in adolescent and young adult kidney transplant recipients: a systematic review2019Download
70Addressing the dual health epidemics of HIV and sexual abuse among children and adolescents in Kenya: uptake of HIV counseling and postexposure prophylaxis2018Download
71Bulimia nervosa in adolescents: prevalence and treatment challenges2018Download
72A narrative review of binge eating disorder in adolescence: prevalence, impact, and psychological treatment strategies2018Download
73Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives2018Download
74Gambling disorder in adolescents: prevalence, new developments, and treatment challenges2018Download
75Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy in adolescents: current perspectives2018Download
76What does it mean to be youth-friendly? Results from qualitative interviews with health care providers and clinic staff serving youth and young adults living with HIV2018Download
77Adolescents and young adults with cancer: aspects of adherence – a questionnaire study2018Download
78Perceptions and attitudes toward clinical trials in adolescent and young adults with cancer: a systematic review2018Download
79Effect of an educational program on adolescent premenstrual syndrome: lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake2018Download
80Clinical utility of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in the treatment of adolescents and children with hepatitis C2018Download
81eating disorders in adolescent and young adult males: prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment strategies2018Download
82An economic examination of private insurance claims among adolescents and young adults who were enrolled in hospice during the last year of life2018Download
83Online information and support needs of young people with cancer: a participatory action research study2018Download
84The effect of cannabis exposure on pubertal outcomes: a systematic review2018Download
85conceptualizing age-appropriate care for teenagers and young adults with cancer: a qualitative mixed-methods study2018Download
86Prevalence and factors associated with dysglycemia among girls in selected boarding secondary schools in Wakiso District, Uganda2018Download
87Prevalence of vancomycin resistance among isolates of enterococci in iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis2018Download
88Knowledge and risk perception of sexually transmitted infections and relevant health care services among high school students in the Platfontein san community, northern cape Province, south Africa2018Download
89Borderline personality disorder in adolescents: prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment strategies2018Download
90Screening for HIV and linkage to care in adolescents: insights from a systematic review of recent interventions in high- versus low- and middle-income settings2018Download
91Acanthosis nigricans in obese adolescents: prevalence, impact, and management challenges2017Download
92Burkitt lymphoma in adolescents and young adults: management challenges2017Download
93Predicting the occurrence of headache and back pain in young adults by biopsychological characteristics assessed at childhood or adolescence2017Download
94Targeted therapy for soft tissue sarcomas in adolescents and young adults2017Download
95Gender nonconforming youth: current perspectives2017Download
96Family-based treatment of eating disorders in adolescents: current insights2017Download
97Pregnancy outcomes in younger and older adolescent mothers with severe preeclampsia2017Download
98Current perspectives in the USA on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease in adolescents2017Download
99The predictive effect of medical illnesses for mental health care in adolescence: a register?based study2017Download
100Epidemiology, diagnosis, and optimal management of glioma in adolescents and young adults2017Download
101Effects of immediate postpartum contraceptive counseling on long-acting reversible contraceptive use in adolescents2017Download
102Update on the management of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and role of IL-1 and IL-62017Download
103Adolescent pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention: current perspectives2017Download