Referensi Jurnal Fisioterapi Terakreditasi, berikut link untuk mengakses jurnal
No. | Nama Jurnal | Link |
1 | Jurnal Keperawatan dan Fisioterapi (JKF) - INKES MEDISTRA | Link |
2 | Physiotherapy Health Science (PhysioHS) | Link |
3 | International Journal of Physiotherapy (IJPHY) | Link |
4 | Indonesian Journal of Physiotherapy Research and Education | Link |
5 | FISIO MU: Physiotherapy Evidences | Link |
6 | Jurnal Fisioterapi & Rehabilitasi - AKADEMI FISIOTERAPI WIDYA HUSADA SEMARANG | Link |
7 | Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia - OJS Unud | Link |